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2 pages tagged with "programming"

Following new paths ahead

June 04, 2024 - 401 words - 3 mins
Hi all! Wow, the last month has been quite the rollercoaster. In that short time, I announced June publicly and, on a sad note, also had its funding pulled. The end result was a feeling of whiplash that I needed to recover from. After taking a break, here are my plans going forward. Nushell Nushell … read more

The search for easier safe systems programming

May 08, 2024 - 2468 words - 13 mins
I've been involved in the Rust project in some form or another since 2016, and it's a language I'm very comfortable using. Many Rust programmers could say the same. But, if we take a step back and are honest with ourselves, we'd admit that the road to getting to that level of comfort was difficult. … read more